Above Stromness (Day 1305)

With the normal morning routine taken care of, and  my beautiful wife heading off to do some hossing, I ignored instructions forbidding me from fiddling with a couple of electric sockets in what will be our sitting room. One needed the face plate put on after the insulation guys forgot to, and the other one was in a stupid place and I needed to move it. I managed without electrocuting myself. Hurrah. I had time afterwards to clean the boiler and do a bit of sanding of woodwork before HV came home and dragged me and the dogs off for a walk.
We took a trip up to the reservoir behind Stromness and whilst the dogs charged around chasing each other and the smell of rabbits, I took a couple of shots of the view over Stromness.  
Back at home we did a bit of painting. New skirting boards have been primed, old woodwork has been undercoated. More of the same tomorrow...

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