twinned with trumpton


I logged on at 7 and spent the next 75 minutes hoping the forecast wasn't going to be right, all the time seeing and hearing that in all likelihood that the forecast was right. 

So it was on with the waterproofs and off out. I tried ot do short bursts; 3 quickies in the 'hood; then shelter. I broke cover to be in D Mains for 1030; a quick sprint around greater EH11 and then again sought shelter at hers; warm soup and a dry pair of trousers and then off out again; this time the West End - helpfully to a house with a leaky roof - the evidence was all to clear to see! - and onwards to the soothside. Where it brightened up! 
I took a late lunch which was more of a cuppa and a catch up with a blipper who's been less than prolific of late; a good catch up with her and her dug. 
I had to bale out for a 4pm in Gorgie and that was the working week over.
I meandered back up town to meet 'her' from work; it's her lad's birthday in a few days so we rummaged around for gifts for him as well as preliminary scouting for Christmas.
After a couple of hours, we beat a retreat back to hers; scampi and chips (how very 80's) before cycling home in the blustery darkness.

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