Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

I’m not somewhere else ...

... I just don’t know where I am.

TSM’s words. Deeply profound and thought provoking. Uttered tonight in the bar of the National Film Theatre where we sat nearly a quarter of a century ago and poured our hearts out to each other in the early, intense throes of our relationship. She was a bit zonked after rushing up to London after a busy day at work tonight so can be excused for being disoriented.

We were going to see a film - Disobedience - about a highly charged love triangle that would rock a North London Jewish community as well as challenging the three people involved. Really nicely done and sympathetically handled. This after a very large meal in Wagamama that left us a little over full  (it was the Bao buns that did for us).

London was very buzzy. Mild evening air, colourful Christmas lights, a sense of payday joy in the air. Actually a pretty good day all round. I had a productive session of working at home and our lovely cleaning lady was celebrating her birthday, so I gave her a spare bottle to take home to enjoy.

I also got my old LX 100 back from the menders so am now fully equipped again photographically speaking. It’s a great little camera to have in your pocket. 1.7 Leica lens and a micro four thirds sensor. Perfect for urban shots like this one.

Interesting journey home. Got half a mile out of Waterloo and they took the train back into the station to change engines. Never had that one before...

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