Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Afternoon walk

With my parents and all the dogs. This walk used to be trees either side and I used to ride the ponies round it regularly. How much it has changed. The dogs had fun playing who could wipe us out with the biggest stick!

This morning I went to tobermory to visit my friend. She has m.e and is really struggling with it at the moment. I did some healing with her families dog who is recovering from a bad broken leg. It's not healing very well so hopefully I've given it a boost. My friend asked if I'd try healing her so I gave it a go. She seemed to enjoy the wee session and feels a bit better after it. Her dad noticed She was more lively and chatty which is good. I hope it lasts a while for her.

Just had dinner and scrabble game with my parents. This is our last night here.

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