I Am NOT Defensive!!

My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess Normal,

Today started out pretty normal. I pottered off to work where I believe I'm developing a bit of a reputation.

And I don't know why. I'm just me. Doing my thing. But maybe it's because that usually involves having a bit of a larf. It has been noted. A random man mentioned in passing that we always seem to be having a good time.

I don't know if that was code for, "Stop it" and "Shut up". I going to pretend not.

Today I was laughing at a Lemon story about when her team did something like "Strengthfinders" - you know, one of those wanky work things where they try to figure out what sort of a person you are.

One of her colleagues, Lemon said, was very upset about the results of the personality test.

"I am NOT defensive!" she cried. "I can SO take criticism!"
"No, you can't."
"Yes! Yes! I can!"

I thought that was quite funny.

Then I held a meeting from 3-4 and everyone gave me shit about it because it was Friday afternoon. Actually I think late on Friday is the best time to hold a meeting. Everyone is a bit more relaxed and open with their opinions. Also, everyone is desperate to get away, so there's no waffle and you finish at 4pm whether anything has been resolved or not.

After work, I shot off home, picked up Cazza and we went to the airport. We flew to Nelson which is where OrkneyCaro and G-Man live. We are spending the weekend with them and even though it is predicted to be shitey weather we do not care*.

So we had a lovely evening chatting with them and catching up. I'm not sure what the plan is for Saturday, but plans, schedules, minutes and meetings are for work anyway.


* I bought a bottle of whisky.

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