No more turkey tantrum

I was upstairs when I heard a crash. I came down to find the guilty one on the stove with tumbled tea boxes around her, mail swept off the counter and a stare to freeze me, the late lunch server. It's mostly a "no more turkey tantrum", she has had the last of it yesterday. It's going to be a tough few days! I managed to snap this quick photo before she begrudgingly ate her regular lunch.  I did have to add some cheese to stop her protests. She's a skilled attention getter and is incredibly relentless, but the tea box/tin tantrum today was a first.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny, but is clouding up with rain or snow showers predicted. I'm supposed to take photos early this evening at the Hanover Four Corners Winter Festival tonight. I do have my trusty weather resistant Leica SL, but I don't feel particularly like getting soaked myself.

All hands hoping that he who won't be named won't finish his first term

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