Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Twilight Over Loch Fyne

After my day in Glasgow on Thursday , which I thoroughly enjoyed , I was so pleased to wake up yesterday to yet another glorious day, knowing i was stayingat home. So , in the afternoon ,I headed for the hills taking the opposite route from my usual up the Leaccain Walk.

Wonderful walking through the beech leaf paths in the forest made more crunchy by he recent heavy frosts. I did blip a lot of interesting, arty farty close ups which did please me. However this is definitely one of those walks where you need eyes in the back of your head as the iews behind are wonderful. So, I hear you say , why did you go that way? Well , I was really after the aforesaid arty farty , frosty macros. However the sun's rays lighting up the view couldn't be ignored. i got a ouple of landscape images before hurrying onwards and upwards to a point at the top of the hill where I knew the view down he loch is usually worth seeing. true to form it was and today's blip is the end result of my exertions up the final steep incline. ( our youngest child , who cycles 215 miles to work every day the first part up avery long step hill, has assured me that my thumping heart on the last part of the climb is a sign I was working my body well. Not entirely convinced and my 66 years oldknees are grumbling today.

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