Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

After Afternoon Tea

Nice day today. I had considered going for a run when I awoke at 5:30, but wussed out. When I ran home from the gym on Thursday evening my left calf jabbed me with the very beginning of a cramp. Twice. Each time I stopped before it actually became a full cramp - and just as well, as I think it would have been a really nasty cramp had it taken hold. Anyway, long story short, my calf was a little bit achy when I got up even this morning - and my right calf (the one that does give me some gyp, and about which I intend to see a physio soon) is not feeling right: a bit hard to define, but just not quite right.

So I wussed out. But the plan for tomorrow is that we all head up to Tom Hunter Park in Faulconbridge, which has a grass oval, and I will run around it. That should be quite an interesting change, and probably useful to get off the pavement, on which I've been running more than usual. It'll be interesting and amusing to see what the kids do. ;-)

After a lovely breakfast, we dropped the kids off with grandparents, and headed to the Fairmont Resort in Leura, to have high tea. Rather on the awesome side. And since I've lately discovered that all the things normal people find yummy actually are yummy (funny, that... xP ) I enjoyed it much more than I would have even a month ago.

After the lunch, taking a little tour on the way back to the car, I took this. I very deliberately included the foliage up top, even comparing the look of different amounts of it in the frame. I liked this the best. Larger if you like.

I could've blipped birds. I almost did, but since the pond was so pretty, and it was related to what we actually did today, I've gone with it instead. That pic of the birds I exposed quite a lot, so as to get the detail of them. The first few shots, without that exposure compensation, were rather dark, and required two screen layers to get a decent amount of detail. The result is jaggedy, and shows up the chromatic aberration a bit unpleasantly.

There were also roses - rather gorgeous I thought; the not quite open one is lovely itself too.

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