Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas

An Amzer*

monthly book club meet
in our aptly named bookshop
"weather as it is"

Second meeting of this newly-founded book club. Potluck dinner (pea soup, savoury and sweet cakes, beer, water and herbal tea for drinks) and once again a wondeful array of reading ideas. Just six of us last (Wednesday) night as there was also a screening at the local documentary film production company, but we did address the order of the day, which was to give a bit of structure to what had just been talks about this and that (book-related, of course!) in our first meeting last month.

We decided on two things: there will be a theme (but not a single book) decided for every meeting, and they will start with one of us reading an excerpt from a book (not necessarily related to the month's theme).

We even decided on our next three themes, for January (there will be no meeting in December, as we meet on the last Wednesday of each month, and it will be between Xmas and NY), February and March. In January we'll discuss "books that make you laugh", in February, "strong women in literature" (characters) and in March, "crime novels". Should be a fun first quarter!

*an amzer means "the weather" in Breton. Le temps qu'il fait is its French translation ("temps" in French can mean both weather and time, so you have to be specific which one you mean). The bookshop's name comes from a novel by Armand Robin by that name. Apparently it is quite a strange book, I guess I'll give it a try someday!

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