Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Fairy door

I've seen this little scene several times in an old tree stump in the grounds of the Astley Ainslie Hospital when I've been there with pupils but I can't remember if I've ever blipped it before.
I was working today and out and about with a pupil so we stopped to have a look. We guessed what might be behind the door, but we didn't get it right.
I was quite surprised to see a Lego brick, when we opened the door, but perhaps the fairy concerned was hoping that a builder might turn up and provide some new accommodation for him or her. A lovely idea though.
I was very annoyed this evening by a Yodel delivery .... or not as it turned out. I was actually on my way out, leaving my husband in the house to await the delivery when the van arrived. I watched it park then do a u-turn and stop across the road from our house. When I got back I got a text message to say my delivery had not been made as they had been unable to access my property..... . we live on a main road. Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that it was a heavy delivery in two packages and it was dark and raining I suppose.
We'd left the front door open, the lights on and even had the baby alarm rigged up so we wouldn't miss the hammering on the door by the driver .... nobody seems to use our doorbell these days. Infuriating. I'm pretty sure he didn't even come up to the door and he certainly didn't leave a card. I've been on to the supplier to complain, I can't imagine it will do much good though.
Still he'll just have to come back as I'm not going to the depot to pick up something I've paid to have delivered.

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