Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Had a few minutes with a colleague today and we started swapping developmental notes. At one point she said that her current obsession was “deplasticising her life” which I took to be a metaphorical statement about wanting to live more authentically; but actually she meant it literally i.e. joining the war on plastic use, something which I wholeheartedly approve of but also struggle with. The ethics of leading a vegan lifestyle are undermined if your plant based food is  wrapped in the kind of crap that gets stuck in seabirds’ stomachs and ends up as something microgranular and toxic in the soil.

I am however convinced it is too late; we are, to quote Private Frazier, all doomed. Billions of people consuming at an exponential rate is not sustainable and hasn’t been for my entire lifetime. There’s nothing we can do now except to try and create a legacy for the planet from the wreckage. My friend here - the ultimate stoic, unmoved by news either good or bad - may be the last man standing. Him and a few shop window dummies ...

Apart from that it was quite a good day, although I slumped towards the end. Busy, varied, sociable. Managed to resist buying a mince pie.  Even took a flask of coffee with me. Determined to cut down on my cafe expenditure.

TSM didn’t need to take Dylan to the vet as he was deemed healthy. The Yoga Mama has left Australia and is headed home. It was wet and windy but not cold. In fact it reached a giddy thirteen degrees at one point.

I blame global warming.

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