Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


Things have been rather grim on the work front recently. Over the last 6 years we’ve lost all the funding that we once received from the local authority and the local health service commissioners. We’ve struggled to top our funds up through other sources and, until now, we’ve just about managed to make ends meet. But this year, it seems, our luck has run out. And, inevitably, so has our money.

Unless we can secure funding in the next few weeks we’re going to have to cease operations at the end of January. Meantime, we’re redoubling our efforts to stay afloat, even as we prepare ourselves for the worst.

Today I met up with Steph, one of our board of trustees, to talk strategy. It’s always helpful to sit down for a chat with her, and I value the support that she, and other trustees, provide in these uncertain and stressful times.

On another note, I was sad to learn last week of the death of the great Roy Bailey - singer, sociology professor and firebrand He was a big influence on me in my teenage years, in particular, as he somehow bridged the gap between the punk music I loved and the folk music that I was growing to love. Here he is with the Band of Hope performing Jack Warshaw’s song, ‘If They Come in the Morning’. RIP Roy.

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