Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Batten down the hatches...

...it's wild out there...
You can see the gusts on the water at Scout Dyke, and I could barely hang on to my camera - and yet it's as nothing compared to the floods in Sydney and the fires in Queensland. Commiserations Aussie blippers… and thanks Bob and Cailleach!

Gas Smart meter arrived today - all very efficiently done, and the electric one is now securely in a drawer. Apparently the gas one is a Mark2, so when we get a new electric meter both will run on the same one, whoever the supplier is...

And finally - this has been my last week of hosting MonoMonday – I’ve enjoyed it very much, but I’m passing you on to JohnEdward for the month of December, and his first theme is deuce, tag MM254

The many interpretations of the empty theme included cups & chairs, gin & glasses, playgrounds & pockets, buses & beaches... and it seems that several of you are running on empty at the moment – hope you’re all feeling better soon!

Thanks all of you for taking part – I found 121 entries this week under MM253 and MonoMonday – you don’t make it easy to pick out my favourites... but here they are, in no particular order:

Dolly - who is running on empty at the moment ;(

Miffy for her lacy fruit casing

John for his absolut emptiness...

Gordo and his empty swings

John39 in another place

kengrace on the top deck of the bus...

carolinav's empty chair

youoregon's table full of empties ;)
Hearts should all be delivered by now - see you next week!

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