I thought I would blip a little snowman that I made at a craft session recently - using a battery run tea light, so his nose lights up! He hangs on the tree fairly well, but needs a branch to support him due to the weight of the battery.
There has been a lot of grief expressed on Twitter today due to the passing of Harry Leslie Smith a 95 year old campaigner. I didn’t agree with all his views, but he was a brave character who was determined to fight for the rights of refugees and for things to not go back to pre-Welfare State conditions, as he and his family had suffered terribly from poverty and lack of healthcare in the 1920’s and 30’s. He was very in touch with what was going on in the world and did links to breaking news stories. As we don’t get much news anymore on the tv, other than Brexit, he was a very useful source of information for me and many others too.
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