Misty Mountain

I'm not at all fond of fog, but when it softens the outlines of the trees on Wildwood Mountain it makes a pretty picture. We followed the deer trail across the field behind the house which gave me plenty of time to admire the view....until it began to rain and we hustled back down to the house.

OilMan and I had a disagreement last night over whether the dining room table was the appropriate place for an unidentifiable tent-like item placed over the centerpiece, and the packaging it arrived in.  It's funny what couples argue about...especially couples who have been together for so long that we almost have ESP. It was a good sign that the packaging (and OilMan) had disappeared when I got up this morning , but the tent-like item was still in place.

 I read somewhere that couples suing each other for divorce would also give reasons like, 'I just couldn't stand the way he ate his eggs in the morning...'  I admit that since we moved to an 'open plan' house, I have become a lot more particular about where cast off clothing, piles of mail, recent purchases from the hardware store, unfolded laundry and (now that it is raining) wet dog towels should go. It IS a long walk down the hall to the office or the bedroom, but the dining table?

I took myself off to Acre where it was very crowded, but my favorite barista was there and made me an excellent cup of coffee, much improving my mood. On my way back to the car I stopped at a shop I like and bought myself a new raincoat with a hood. That improved my mood even further. Then I went to get a haircut and my hairdresser could improve anybody's mood. Even though we talked about 13 year old girls'  (her daughter, my granddaughter) hairstyles, (partially shaved heads, the effect of medical science on end of life issues, the Orange Menace 'by far the most common topic of conversation in this salon', and animal shelters, my temperament was almost back to 'normal' by the time I drove home through the rain.  

MY afghan is long enough now that I can cover my legs with it while I knit, which I did for much of the rainy afternoon.

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