a mountain...


do you ever sense a nudge?

that's what happened to me this morning - i wanted to see the sunrise - and when i looked out - it really wasn't all that great - yet there was a glow - from the other direction - off my balcony towards the mountains - i got 'the nudge' - the one telling me to go quickly - out on the deck - in jammie's, slippers and all - to see what was waiting for me

okay - so when you get your 'nudges' - do you pay attention to them? - follow through or do you ignore them? - believing they're not real - don't matter, or it's just a coincidence - just askin'

for me - i sit up! - pay close attention - i believe my 'nudges' are - taps on the shoulder from abba (god) himself - with some special message - just for me - so i had better listen up

case in point, people - when i went onto my deck - to look to the west towards - those glorious mountains - well, you can see what i saw - the sunrise was reflecting off the clouds - and sky with joyful colors - which i would've totally missed out on - if i hadn't paid attention to my 'nudge' - nudges are a good thing - they will always lead you to...


happy day.....

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