All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Hello Eden

Hubbie and I were still on annual leave today. Just as well as we were all a bit jetlagged with Ethan and I sleeping in till 10am and hubbie till after noon!

In the afternoon hubbie took Ethan swimming at our local pool. It's the first time he has been in a pool with him apart from on holidays. When he came back he said he had bought Ethan some arm bands and a noodle and that Ethan had swam by himself using them! Bearing in mind I have spent a year taking Ethan to swimming lessons which just result in him clinging to my neck each time, I'm still not sure whether or not hubbie is winding me up!

This evening, Foreveryoung Facetimed us so the cousins could chat to each other. It was funny seeing them actually talking to each other - I think they missed each other while we were away on holiday.

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