
By FergInCasentino

The Casentino - from the Consuma Pass road.

12C at Sieci in the middle Arno Valley. 4C on the pass at 1000m. 8C at the house at 500m in the Casentino.

Everything looked hunky dory. I picked up a few papers, arranged some firewood, lit a fire, ate lunch and returned to Fiesole.

Three extras - more of the sunlight on trees, the valley that leads to Montemignaio and our house from the road in the valley.

Couldn't get Brexit out of my head. Remonstrated with the FT over Twitter on a minor point - for which I got a sort of acknowledgement.

For a long time I bridled at the apparent immutability of the Referendum result. Now I feel that the result has to be respected, at least to some degree. It has a huge economic cost but that is what the people chose and there is not much evidence that the vote shares have changed enough to give Remain a clear victory, and even then the consequences of overturning the 'popular will' ratified in Parliament could polarise UK society for decades to come. And, of course, No-Deal could win and we'd all be in the howling wilderness.

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