Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Old Meets New

Left - my old, well-loved Dell Inspiron E1505. That sexy black thing on the right? Yea that's my new Lenovo ThinkPad W530. It will be receiving a lovely spa day to add a 240gb SSD and (when it gets here >:[) 16 more gigs of RAM! I'm going to edit so.many.photos. I have lightroom and I picked up Photoshop Elements when it was on sale over black friday. And I'll actually be able to play some video games on it ... my old Dell hasn't been able to keep up for quite some time now :D

So yay! Today was great! No work ... since servers were being moved around and I have my new laptop!! And I ended up being pretty productive at home. I was so antsy waiting for UPS to show up, I decided to tackle my (VERY) messy bedroom. I even put together lots of clothes to be donated, so I have more closet space now.

Here's hoping my weekend is even half as good!

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