Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Fire alarm false alarm

As I made one of my frequent night time toilet visits, it appeared to be daylight. I could see that it was another nice day in the offing. Honestly, we've had the most glorious weather for ages now!

Hang on... I'm not meant to see any daylight while JR is still snoozing!

Yes! Forgot to see the alarm. 7.40!! JR usually leaves by then. Just as well she's always plenty early and is a fast mover when necessary.

I went swimming at 9am. The pool was rather busy, but I think I did more lengths than normal. I feel that my stroke (I use the term loosely) is beginning to come together. I don't flail as much, and it's getting quite relaxed. And most times I remember to kick properly. Then at 9.30 there were crowds of folk for training lessons. They proceeded to do lengths, all synchronised, backstroke arms going up in unison along the lane, the other lanes doing other strokes.

An elderly lady and I were drying our togs and congratulating each other on having been out swimming (fairly) early in the day.

I said to her, 'I'm off for my porridge now'.

And she said, 'Excellent! What are you studying?'

She thought I said, 'I'm off to college'.

I blame the temporary water-in-the-ears deafness, and not the common or garden old age deafness.

We went to the new Peacock Lounge in the Caledonian Hotel. It's very nice naice. Quiet classical music playing, which fitted the surroundings. We had afternoon tea - scones and clotted cream.

We then had a wander through the 'Winter Wonderland'. Absolutely heavin'. Great to see it all so busy on a nice night. We went to ABO for a glass or two of wine and some nibbles. We are still trying to find 'salt and pepper squid' as delicious as the ones we had in Oz. Futile, really.

JR went shopping and I went back to the fair for a wander around. I haven't had so much fun at the fair since I used to go as a teenager with 2/6d in my pocket. Didn't go on anything - just tried to take photos. I will be back - it's a blipper's paradise.

I had to wait about 40 minutes for a bus. Then, when I was nearly home, another bus of the same variety was just ahead of us. How did that happen?? The lady next to me may have the answer. She said the bus went up the Mound the other day. Now this bus has not been routed up the Mound for years! Obviously the driver didn't know the way! Maybe it was the same driver taking a short cut where there are no people waiting.

JR had arrived home and was panicked to hear our fire alarm going off! She charged in, muddy boots on the cream carpet, only to find that it was the clock alarm. I'd put it on this morning after it hadn't gone off.

Took a shot out the back window for today. Warning: There will be lots of 'Winter Wonderland' blips coming up!

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