
By BikerJim

~Saguaro Arms~

~A Study and An Encounter~

Out photographing my favorite desert denizen this evening.
I'm just fascinated with the structure of these cacti.
It' a real pleasure to get up close and study these giants.
I really get mesmerized standing next to these titans of the desert.
So enthralled in fact that I didn't notice an approaching hiker.
When I did notice him it was too late for me to act nonchalant.
As he got nearer, he smiled and asked "What cha' looking at?"
I smiled and said "I'm just lookin' at this here cactus!"
He smiled and asked "Really are wonderful up close, aren't they?"
I smiled and replied "Yes they are wonderful up close, and far away!"
He laughed, I laughed, he trudged off, and I continued my inspection.
I do believe we both had a moment of good natured kidding.
An interesting encounter in the desert, next to a giant saguaro.

Hope you had a good day and will have a good weekend!
I know I had a good day and I hope to have a good weekend, too.
Oh, almost forgot, I have at presentation of 11 of my images
tomorrow morning at the local camera club, wish me luck!

Thanks for stopping on the trail and havin' a look see with me!

PS; A year ago self-portrait ;o)

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