Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Am I impressed?


By everything.

Monday is creative day. TSM’s orders. Although I think I might rename it Selfie Day; not as in taking pictures of myself but as in doing stuff for myself. Which covers a multitude of things, although today it was about appreciating other peoples’ creativity and attempting to be a bit more creative myself.

So I went up to London and had a walk down the South Bank; it was chilly and mysterious and not at all busy. In places the autumn leaves were doing that cinematic swirling, dancing ring-a-ring-a-roses under the concrete walkways with an almost uncanny degree of autonomy.

Average vegan breakfast in Natural Kitchen (interesting and healthy but not massively tasty; coffee slightly on the bitter side).Brilliant Anni Albers exhibition at the Tate Modern - proving that the medium is less important than the artistic message. Bauhaus weaving. Never knew such a thing existed.

South Bank was full of graduates in gowns and mortar boards. I think they were using the Festival Hall for a ceremony. That was where I took this shot. Kind of symbolic. Even in the middle of winter you can find hope in learning.

Sat in the member’s bar at the Tate and did my creative thing. Lovely atmosphere. First class oatmeal latte. Then had a very long chat with fellow blipper Every Day Matters who lives in Newcastle and who I haven’t seen since the tail end of last winter. I think you would call it a typical 60 something conversation: a triumph of hope over ageversity (new word for you; the adversity of older age …).

Walked back in the increasingly bitter afternoon cold. Bought a huge vegan doughnut (£4.50 - not cheap - but the size of a small cake) then came home and cooked casserole and dumplings.

None of this really gives a sense of what a fantastic day it was. I lived every moment. I was unequivocally, joyously happy and content. The force was with me. And at the end of all it I got to come home and be with TSM and Obi Wan Kenobi.

Yes no doubt. Everything is interesting and mostly good ...

I am impressed.

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