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By pplnani

Emergency Blip

We spent the entire day trying to sort through the dumping ground formerly known as the spare room and when we happened upon this box I thought we'd found treasure just like Tryards did a few days ago
But alas, all six internal boxes were empty :-(.........why we kept them is anyone's guess!
They have proved useful however as the internal boxes will have wrapping paper put on them and be used to house bottles that I give as Christmas gifts and the lovely strong box has been used to store CDs and DVDs found in various maybe it was worth keeping after all, lol ;-))
This clear out was inspired after naughty Bear brought us a lovely present of a live mouse which got into a different room that also had far too much clutter in it and made the job of catching the mouse ten time's took us over three hours of chasing it round and swearing ( whilst Bear sat watching very amused! )........the upheaval has taken me all week to clear up and sort out. But it made us resolve to get to grips with the rest of the house.
We had several discussions and differences of opinion about what should go, the biggest one being about old pillows of all things..........there were 8 pillows that had been accumulated over the years, all fairly good condition but now surplus to requirements.........persuading hubby to let me get rid of them was a nightmare........we kept four as a compromise which are now in the loft ready to be argued over another day ;-)))

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