twinned with trumpton


Up early; pottered a bit in the hoose and then dragged meself off oot to the P7's final game of the year at Duddingston v St John's.
I cycled up through the wet roads and met the team there; the pitch was a bit of a quagmire; but still they found themselves 4-0 at half time. Not much to pick between the teams, though. No really... As with last week, the 2nd half showed a marked improvement; we won the half 3-2 but obv still lost... some good performances and as a team they did well, mostly. I have to keep remembering most of the teams we play have been together from P4-5 so are three years into a journey we are not much more than 3 months into.

Game over I then rushed around to the other side of Arthur's Seat for a long overdue catch up with Baz; a decent if muddy ascent of the hill - busy so it wiz. 
Once up, we decided to try and descend around the crags but half way round it became clear the rain was coming in off the sea at a rate of knots so we went straight down into Hunter's Bog and out to Meadowbank. It' didn't stop a soaking but at least we minimised it as much as we could. 
Baz went home; I had been scheduled to go to hers but her WFH fell apart and she was in the office. So off home I sped; and a warm shower and dry clothes ensued.
Out as darkness started to seep into the gloom and after some laying in dof supplies we settled in for a night of Ottolenghi's seafood stew - still as divine as ever - and vanilla cheesecake.
We sifted through old photos wistfully over a glass of Torrentes (me) and Shiraz (her) and lazily half watched TV but were mostly chatting.
G had a chum over; Ll was quiet after a long day on court, so there was a cosy hunkered in Saturday vibe that I eventually shattered as I dragged myself off home down the hill and into bed. 88km for a day doing nowt? Wow....

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