I saw You standing alone....
Am so happy it's Friday night.
We were having a laugh in the office before I left.
I was instructing the staff on how to use our Defibulator ?? Concentrating mostly on the cutting off of clothes, the shaving of chests, and who was allowed to be defibbed or not.
I told the boys they weren't to worry about the shaving of my chest. I told them they would have enough problems finding my chest under my baboosums. (cue - all the boys looking mortified and hiding behind their screens).
I then suggested it might be fun to stick the pads on our buttocks.
The system apparently decides whether you need defibbed or not, so I said that the anticipation of waiting to see whether it thought your bum cheeks needed defibbed or not would be the most exciting thing in the world. Might actually bring on a heart attack in wrong place !
They all giggled, but looked horrified at the same time. I explained to them it was just a bigger version of the "Tell Helen's It's Okay to Lick a Battery" test.
Yeah, ,it's nice to finish the week on a high.
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