Pretty as a picture
Today's my 300th blip. I did know it was coming and very much intended to come up with a 300 themed blip to have you all rolling in the aisles. Today though, Mr B floored me himself by saying he'd found me a great blip location and really wanted to take us all there today. So he wins, and my celebration is that he's finally been infected by the blipbug.
The blipability was happening near Gifford, along a very muddy track. The first blip-site was this Portico randomly in the corner of a field. It was originally part of Strathleven House in Dunbarton, and was moved here in 2000. Why it's in the corner of a field I have no idea.
The frame above is blip-site number 2. Strung between two trees (admirably straight) is a very elaborate picture frame. Given how many blippers hang out in these parts, I'm sure it's been blipped many times before - but it's new to me! Imagine just hanging a great old frame like this, in a quite out of the way place, just for people to come across with surprise and delight. Fantastic.
Anyway, I'm not entirely convinced I've achieved what I wanted to here, but I'm very very bored with PS now.
And to think: you could have ended up with a shot of 300 jars of marmalade.
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