Keep it local

Still feeling a bit rotten. My horrible cough has gone a bit wheezy and I can't clear my lungs after a good cough but will keep a close eye on it after my nasty pneumonia episode a few years back.

I have been googling snow in Chamonix at Christmas and it was all looking a bit glum so I messaged the Chalet owner who reassured me that the resort me go to uses a snow cannon if there isn't much falling snow and they are an olympic resort so not to worry. She also sent me a link to the forecast over the next few days and 12cm is actually forecast for the next few days so fingers crossed we should be ok!!!

Before work, I went back to the opticians to collect my Vari focals ....round 2.... and sadly they were worse than round 1. Then I was a bit stunned when the optician just tutted, put my old lenses back in the frame and said he would just give me a refund. Like I was wasting his time!!! Excuse me but if I'm paying over £300 on glasses I want them to be right!!! I asked was he just giving up on me! Part of me should have just walked out but I didn't want the embarrassment of him doing the refund so I asked for the 1st lot of lenses to have some anti glare added to them. He reluctantly said he would see if he could. I won't be surprised if he calls in a few days time to say no he can't. And there was me trying to keep the business local. Perhaps the big named shops are better after all, they can cut their losses better than a one man band.

After that, I joined Mr W for a coffee in Costa, pictured here then toddled off to work where I coughed all afternoon. If I don't  get cancelled tomorrow which is looking likely as the child is sick, I may well be going off sick myself. Very unlike me.

So her'es the boring blip I took in Lingfield in desperation. The funeral directors as I'm feeling like death, Snow Jewels as I am praying for snow,  Costa were I moaned over coffee, the new flower shop hidden behind Costa that I blipped a few weeks ago and no they can't sell me lillies for less than £3.50 a stalk and all opposite the opticians that are..... ?????!!!!

Good night. x

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