Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


I do rather reek of it tonight. Too much garlic bread.

Work was very frenzied today. A lot of last minute work ahead of tomorrow's board meeting.

Had a meeting with someone yesterday who you used the immortal phrase "can't isn't in my vocabulary". Sorry but that kind of management bullshit went out in the 1980s (or so I thought). But this change process now seems to be producing some polar opposites between the disaffected and the blindly optimistic. Very few balanced views around. Really, there are some things you can't do , equally there are some things you can. For instance you can stop talking nonsense and treat the people who work for you with decency, honesty and intelligence. Hopefully that is my style.

On the can-do front, I am getting some personal development together. Looking forward to it. And I might go easy on the garlic - just in case I get a job interview ...

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