Top ten Tavistock

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I've visited many towns in my life in the UK - & I mean towns, not cities that hold cathedrals! But towns... with a high street. Tavistock is certainly in my top 10. The shops are lovely, not too expensive, but everything is there & the locals are incredibly friendly. My mum loved it too, she & I would often go there for Christmas shopping. Now I go with my friend Sue. This is the only photograph I took today of the town, it's a shame the lady in front decided at that moment in time to behave like an ape! lol

As for Mr best robin:

Larry maintenance

So a good day, long drive back though, in the dark, over Dartmoor & the frost coming down making the roads a tad slippery. Everywhere is still wet from all the R word... but least it's been sunny today, I'm loving the cold & crisp days. Hope it lasts! :) xxx

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