Flowering in November
A fairly calm day, but a fairly overcast day. There had been some sunshine coming through the clouds when looking south.
I've been working on the museum desk all day. A quiet morning, but a busier afternoon. A lazy evening at home, searching for motivation to head out with Sammy, and more needed to head to work in the pub later.
I had some time off this morning to attend neighbour Cathy's funeral. A lovely service, and a good send off. Cathy will be a miss about the doors here, yapping over the fence, helping her in the garden, and her giving me pointers in my garden. She was happy to watch my garden come to life this summer. Most of the flowers have long wilted away, but there are a few still hanging on. Hopefully I do her proud, and keep the colourful garden next year too. Taken in my garden, Houl Road, Scalloway.
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