In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Space Oddity

What a really odd day it’s been. And not in a good way.
Got up at 0645 as One Call were starting fixing our living room today.
Except... after they arrived at 8, and when the workmen saw what they had to do, we went back up stairs for an hour or so and watched some tv. We don’t have a telly in our bedroom usually, but since everything is decanted from the living room, the tv is set up on a kist at the end of the bed.
When we left for the day to let them get on with it, we saw that apart from marking out where the ceiling has to be cut, nothing was done.

Apparently they took the wrong type of dust sheets and one of the joiners has to nip into Fraserburgh to get the appropriate type.
So mid morning we got a call from the supervisor saying that they can’t continue working unless I stay out of the house. They discovered that there was glass wool insulation in the ceiling and the dust that would prevail would have an adverse effect on me because of my copd.
Not knowing what to do, I told them I would have to come home tonight but would find alternative accommodation tomorrow.
Exhausting all handy avenues, we went to see Mike and Jessica at the last bus.
The said we could stay at their place, but since the main steps were removed from the railway carriages, he’d need a few hours to get the Space Station ready. The space station is a converted water tank, with a sitting area/ kitchen down stairs, and an en suite bedroom up stairs.
So we went home to get our things together and to have dinner, before going back to our gaff for the next few days.
Around 2030 I noticed a voicemail has appeared from One Call.
They can’t start tomorrow and don’t know when they can start as there is ‘extra costs ‘incurred due to the removal and replacing of the insulation.
Well suffice to say, when I called back the poo girl manning the emergency telephone, from her house, got the brunt of our wrath. I realise that it isn’t her fault, but I left her in no uncertain terms how incompetent and uncaring her company is.
Let’s see what tomorrow brings.

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