The Dog Rescuers

Unfortunately our exercise classes have been cancelled until after Christmas as our teacher has injured her knee.

On the flip side it meant that we met for a walk instead and met Toby.

Last night Toby's human posted on facebook that Toby had got lost in the forest yesterday afternoon. She and her friends and relatives had been out searching for him and asked people to keep an eye out for him. Well, we met him this morning in the forest. He seemed very pleased to find us.
He came when called and we phoned his owner. We tried, unsuccessfully, to make a lead from a plastic carrier bag however, he happily trotted along beside us. As we got nearer The Lodge my friend removed her scarf and we used this as a lead to keep him close by and out of the path of cars.

His owner was relieved to have him returned and even after a night on his own in the forest he seemed happy and healthy.

I think he made everyone's day a little  better.

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