Heritage Oak

I don't know what happened to my post yesterday but maybe it was just that I forgot to press 'publish'. Anyway, a friend in Oregon called to see if we were ok since she didn't see a post for Saturday, so this is a backblip. This is a beautiful old oak tree on the dirt road that leads to the house at the end of wildwood Trail where our friends Daniella and Federico lived. It has been on the market since they left in August but there doesn't seem to have been a lot of activity. I think this unique property is not really so special without them....
It has become our 'short' walk during these days of terrible air and staying inside. 

We wear masks outside, but we have yet to convince Ozzie that hanging/tying  a couple of bandanas around his nose as a good idea. We saw a woman with her black Alsatian doing just that. We see them often on our road and he seems to be beautifully trained. It would have been a nice blip for these strange days, but I was in my car and didn't have a camera when I saw them walking past our driveway.

OilMan and I were remembering our Pasadena days in the late 50's when the smog was so bad that it hurt to take a deep breath. We thought nothing of it at the time, but in general the air quality in California has improved enormously. All the more difficult to hear that in these days of fire and smoke our air quality is the 'worst in the world'....

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