Grade 6

Max and I drove Gulliver to the University of West London for his RGT grade 6 rock guitar exam, it was quite nerve wracking and a longer exam than the previous ones, he was very disappointed when he came out as he feels he messed up one of the pieces which he said was the easiest one and he just doesn’t really know what went wrong, he is a real overachiever and perfectionist, I’m sure he will do really well but it won’t be enough for him whatever it is! Exciting thing is that passing grade 6 actually gets in the equivalent of a GCSE. I will have the results within four weeks.

Erin came over to cheer him up and we finally got around to recording her vocal for the song that I have helped to write for Gulli, while we were in Ibiza he wrote a beautiful piece of music for Erin, in August we recorded all the guitars and he asked me to write a top line for it which I did with his guidance and final say, we just hadn’t got around to recording the vocals, she recorded the vocal in one take, she is amazing, then I wrote some harmonies for her which she also replicated very quickly. I sent it to her Mum who absolutely loves it.

Phil Marriott and I are making a Christmas podcast so I spent a couple of hours preparing for that this evening while Max made us all a delicious curry, Zebedee spent the evening with us and we started watching season two of a comedy on Netflix called Norsemen.

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