
The sky and the trees were looking pretty lovely over the park towards The Pentlands this afternoon. I couldn't resist the urge to chop it up tho'.

Original image here

21 2 12 16 13 5 23 4
14 19 1 18 3 9 15 8
22 20 7 17 10 11 6 24 *

When I used to go to the record fairs in Hull when I was 17 or 18 and then throughout my student years there were always 7" singles by a certain band knocking around and I built up quite a nice little collection. All gone now, but a few of them were on the album I was listening to this afternoon. Fine pop music indeed. Pleasure in the stalls.

* I had a mutiny on my hands just now. Both girls refused point blank to pick any numbers for today's blip. I got zero assistance, absolutely nowt. Just so you know.

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