Afternoon wander (Day 1292)

With the morning dog walk out of the way, and filled up with coffee, my beautiful wife took me across to Stromness for a ride out on the horses. It was a really lovely morning and we rode for around an hour. 
Being a relative novice rider, I am still learning and being instructed by HV. I am getting on well though and fairly enjoying the riding. 
After lunch at home it was time to take the woofers for their afternoon stroll, and we headed for Lyde again. The dogs always seem to enjoy charging around in the heather and in and out of various puddles and streams that they find along the way. The view on a good day is always worth a blip.
Back at home later and as HV got herself ready for work, I set about swapping a radiator and altering some pipe work in the central heating system. The system is a bit of a hotch potch of different pipe sizes and types and I was keen to eliminate some microbore (8mm diameter) pipe which is prone to blockage and very fragile. Perhaps starting at 3pm wasn't the best plan, but I was kept fully occupied until after 8pm. It took a while to get the van loaded up with all my tools and the stuff I am taking across to a job on Stronsay tomorrow, but it has been worthwhile. 

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