
By Exbeeb

Duck a la noir

L and I spent a hour or two trying to sort out the loft cupboards. We found sacks full of soft toys which must have been there for years. Some we couldn't dispose of as they were perhaps a favourite or first toy, but we found dozens which we could, and they have now gone to the school as it is the Christmas Bazaar tomorrow.

We also turned up L's wedding dress. She thought it would have been eaten by moths by now, but no, twenty-six years on and it still looks as it did then. She even tried it on - and it very nearly fits as neither of us has put an ounce on since then. OK, I have added probably a third to my weight, but I was a bean pole then.

I also found what may be hundreds of LPs which I left where they were, as I couldn't face sorting through them. A lot of them looked like they were classical, so I think they will go soon, as I can't see me listening to them. I know vinyl tends to have a warmer sound, but I do prefer something more like cd quality sound -without the dust clicks!

We also found a little children's desk which we thought had gone many years ago. It is now with Emma who loves it!

These are a few ducks (or are they geese) I caught flying past.

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