Castle Cottage

A better day today, still kinda breezy, but plenty of sunny spells.  You could fairly feel a nip in the air.

After last night being a bit of a disaster, I managed to get up early and headed out for a walk with Sammy.  I headed up to see Julie and family by midday.  Julie had a house full of friends and family.  Time to say our goodbyes, and headed to pack up and head for the ferry.  Mam, dad and Elise were on the same ferry, and they all came by for tea tonight.  I popped along big Brian and Madeline for a cuppa, and now a quiet evening at home by the fire. 

On the way to the ferry, we took a couple of detours for site seeing.  I always love going to the castle for a look, it holds a special feeling, and happy memories from my first visit to Unst that I can remember, with my granny Lorna on a bus tour.  I often wonder why Castle Cottage has been left to rot away, I'd happily live next door to the castle.  Taken at Muness Castle, Unst. 

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