One more step we .....

.... go!!!
Tho' " road " should be in there! Thought the title was appropriate for Sunday .
" A" has been hanging the gate for the last 2hrs30minutes , after he had removed the old one then the tricky work started. When I had the other one put up several years ago the job was a real bodge , and costly too, but "A" has made sure this one will be better. Having hung it it had to be aligned for the bolts. Don't ask it really is a job and a half , bless him he's really not happy that as it opens outwards it has to be hinged the wrong way , again this is because the room for opening is really wrong too. Still I know the job will be a good one however long it takes.
As I went to early service today I made use of the afternoon by starting to prune ( demolish ) the very old Potentilla shrub. I have to do it in stages but as long as it gets done in the end .
Glad it's been a dry day tho' it has turned rather chilly tonight.

Grateful .... "A" has been a star and I'm very grateful , thank you "A".

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