BTW ....

YOLO.  You only live once.

R thought this was a grocery list:
Lemons (his mind thinking yellow!)

What would your "vanity" plate be?  Post your answers below like Anniemay did!

We were all over the place today ... finally ending up at the Bethlehem Public Library so that I could renew my library card!  

Our first stop was the Easton Public Library (Palmer Branch) so that I could pick up a DVD that I had requested last week.  After seeing Igor's Armistice Day blip it got me thinking about all the animals that were also lost in the war .... something I really hadn't thought about.

Igor suggested that I see the play or movie War Horse.  So that's the DVD that I picked up today .... we plan on watching the movie this evening. I had watched the trailer on Amazon Prime video and it looks like a powerful movie. 

After leaving the library we up to the Plainfield Rail Trail but the trail was still snow covered so all we did was put out some nuts and seeds for the chippy there!

Then it was on the Nazareth to get our propane tank filled at the Tractor Supply store.

From there we decided to go to the Bethlehem Library! That's were we saw this vanity license plate ... which I thought would make a great Silly Saturday blip!

BTW .... we watched War Horse tonight and really enjoyed it!  Thanks for the suggestion Igor!!

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