Sniff Sniff

What a mixed bag of tricks this morning!  Rain..snow...rain...snow.  At least it wasn't pouring like yesterday afternoon/evening but still mighty wet out.  No sign of the I won't even speculate on  him. My favourite sight (besides Fred!), was these two near the meadow.  There are so many deer trails that bisect and intersect through the woods and meadows.  I am guessing they were travelling on one that is unseen by my eyes. The little one was cute as she was sniffing the air to figure out what or who I was.  In the extra, is her nose up in the air while her eyes are still on me.  She was a brazen little one...the mum more hesitant.

Back home, warming up now and trying to get caught up on house chores blip  ; )

I hope you are all having a splendid Saturday!

D x

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