The Tail End

My Dear Fellow & Dear Princesses,

Cazza is a Night Owl. I am an Early Bird. We overlap somewhere in the middle. It is just one of those things. 

But I get annoyed when Cazza gets annoyed with me for feeling tired and useless after about 10pm. Last night she had a technical problem at around 11.

"I can't get (very bad word) Skype to (very bad word) start up," she complained.

This was AFTER I had announced I was going to bed!  Unacceptable! Consciousness-speaking, I'd put the landing gear down and was circling the runway to Sleepytown.

So I grumpily sorted it out, but I think Night Owls do not understand that the way THEY feel in the morning is how Early Birds feel at night. And if you live with a Night Owl you will know what they are like in the morning.

"DON'T talk to me. STOP asking questions," I will get if I ask Cazza her plans before noon. It is an unwritten rule that noon is the cut-off point. Shetland Dad used to call Cazza on the phone at 12.01 every Saturday. And if she wasn't up yet, he'd apologise to me profusely for disturbing her. 

So yes. That is me, post 10pm - grumpy and useless. I might go to 11 or - if I'm feeling very rock and roll - midnight. But really 10pm is when I start getting yawny and old buggery. Despite having lived with me for 19 years, Cazza still doesn't get it.

But she was a WHIRLWIND of activity on Saturday! Doing chores and Spring cleaning. I helped out a little by pushing the hoover around and complaining about it loudly because the (very bad word) hoover is (very bad word) BROKEN. No really, it is. Not in the useless-husband way. But in the "end of the tube thing keeps falling off" way. Which meant I had to vacuum holding it in place, stooped over like Quasimodo. So obviously I had to ensure that Cazza knew all about it and how I had the worst job EVER and what a martyr I was. Because information.

The reason for all this was that IRD Linda came round and we watched, "Queen Live At Wembley Stadium" followed by "Highlander". That was awesome, in a cheesy 80's movie way. PLUS on cue at 10pm, IRD Linda said, "Bugger this, I'm knackered," and left to go to HER bed.

Regardless, Cazza stayed up until well after midnight. Or so I believe. I was busy chasing kittens in my dreams at that point.

Now it is 6:43am on Sunday! Woohoo! Ready to start the day! What are your plans Cazza?! Huh? Huh?

No, I'd best not.


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