Teckels Christmas Fayre

This is in the school car park dropping of the boys this morning but Jonty didn't know that we were going to Teckels animal sanctuary afterwards.
No, I wasn't going to drop Jonty off to be rescued we were dropping off three quilts and a couple of books. The quilts to be used for animal bedding for the rescue dogs and the books to add to their library, and which they also sell at their events.

This Saturday is the Teckels Christmas Fayre raising money to keep them going as an animal sanctuary. It's at their place just South of Gloucester, in Whitminster. Not sure of the time but details can be obtained if you give them a ring - 01452 740 300. Their website seems to have been down for a while but they are still in business.

Poor little Foxy isn't getting much of a look in lately, he just will not come out in the cold weather, and it was colder this morning than it has been lately.

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