
Dan has become the musician I always dreamt of being but lacked the commitment and, probably, talent to become. Music to him is a second language, the clustered notes on a stave communicating clearly to him. He does quite a bit of playing with different groups in and out of school and relies on his mind-boggling ability to sight read to compensate for the fact he doesn't have time to rehearse everything. 

This evening, I picked him up from his guitar lesson and then we collected Dean, who arrived for a visit, today, from home before heading down to the curry house where Abi joined us. The kids love Dean and we had an enjoyable meal with lots of laughter before going back home. 

At Dean's request, Dan brought his guitar and footstool downstairs so he could play a bit of guitar for us. Quite apart from the music, which was lovely, I was mesmerised by Dan's fingers, the coordination and intricacy of his playing. He's a walking lesson in the rewards of applying yourself to something.

-11.9 kgs
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Reading: I'm taking a post-Galbraith break!

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