Once More Unto The Breach

It was the kick-off of the redesigned Executive Circles programme today at IESE and, as the lead, I was once more on duty to balance the rationale underlying it (learning is essential and no longer a nice to have, we must be agile in our learning capabilities and deeply connected circles lead to great learning as their members explore ideas and solutions in an uninhibited and fearless way) with role modelling a vulnerable, rich introduction to illustrate how bringing one's full self to your colleagues in a circle can create those very depths of connection.  

So, Yasheen was once more on screen before 33 senior business leaders and four program directors, as I told a story about how this picture brought together the different elements that are present when I am most activated as a person - adventure, freedom and possibilities.  

I again quoted KiH who wrote recently about Yasheen that 'I think of him as your child, in that wonderful broad sense, understanding that all children are our children, but some are closer than others.'   My voice cracked when I read the line and the program director later described it as a beautiful and  moving moment, especially as the participants already knew that I don't have kids of my own.    

If it was moving, then it was surely because Kendall had touched the truth and it coursed through me in that moment.

What a virtual team we make, Kendall!

Original Yasheen shot here . . . just 11 days ago!


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