Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Love in a Bag

Having one of those clumsy pick up your purse and start to walk away, only to discover that something is sticking out of it and stuck on something else which pulls half the contents out of it while you walk away. Then, you are rinsing your favorite bowl in the sink and you knock on the side of the sink...accidentally, of course...and it flies out of your hand, crashes to the floor in many pieces. Soon, you find yourself putting your coat on and you catch your glasses and they end up hanging off one ear and your nose simultaneously. Before it's over, you feel extremely conspicuous and it's almost worse that no one is watching because there is no one to join you in laughing at yourself and you're afraid to start laughing BY yourself, because just as soon as you let loose of a big ole' guffaw, someone WILL walk around the corner, and there you are, broken china pieces around your feet, glasses hanging off your ear and nose, contents of your purse strewn around the room and laughing until there are tears in your eyes....all by yourself. (fortunately all of those things didn't really happen at the same time, so there really wasn't anything at me feet by then)

It was that kind of day when a co-worker entered my work space with this little bag and the most friendly little fellow looking at me. "I don't have a secret pal", I say. "I don't think it's a secret", she says, with a knowing smile.

I read the Sweet Contraptioneer dropped off the sweetest 'love in a bag' for my trip out of town to attend a meeting. It was only one night, but awwww, I felt so loved! All better now :-) ...and yes, there was chocolate too

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