Abstract Thursday : : Tapestry
There is no better abstract art than that found in nature. Not only do these hydrangea flowers change colors with the seasons but the cut flowers dry beautifully. I have had a bowl of them on a little table in the house since they were blue...about three months ago. I took this random shot of flowers and leaves and thought it made quite a a beautiful abstract tapestry.
My knitted afghan continues to grow and OilMan bought himself a new puzzle as the air quality is still bad. In every fire we seem to become experts on something new. When they were burning a half mile from our house last year we became experts at reading the fire maps...the ones with initially incomprehensible little symbols on them which we learned to interpret as where individual fires within the larger fires were burning, and whether they were active or under control. This year it is the numbers and colors on the air quality index. Yesterday were in the mustard yellow zone and 125 on a scale of 1--500 labeled 'Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups'. Today it is red and 161...'Unhealthy'
Our new chair is getting a good workout as I peruse the internet for the best way to help people who have not only lost their homes but their entire town. If we didn't live so far away I would invite a couple of families for Thanksgiving....
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