working it

Today I drove hubby to Denver for a semi-annual full work up for his Huntington's Disease. The drive usually takes a little over an hour, but with construction on the highway we gave ourselves 2 hours to get there. Then the appointment lasts about 4 hours because hubby is seen by a doctor, nurse, two therapists, and a researcher gathering observational information on his neurological decline. It sounds grueling, but really it is quite encouraging to have the full attention of these experts on hubby's condition.
So such a long day away from home means that Laney is in her crate for 7-8 hours. Fortunately, we have a nice neighbor who comes over mid-day to take Laney out for a walk, and to put a fresh treat in her orange kong to entertain her in the crate. Much to my surprise, Laney did not get the treat out and is still working on it this evening.

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