Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Ugly, acrid air.  The light at lunchtime muted through the smoke and temperatures have noticeably dropped.

Last night I thought I was imagining the air quality being worse, but no, it is worse.  Scary.  As the day has worn on we're now in the purple zone of Very Unhealthy air quality - we've been in the red zone for 7 days (Unhealthy) - the worst it's been so far.

Conversation with a friend about particulate filtering face masks, she had some left over from last year's fires.  I'm without and will be hard pressed to find any left in stock at the stores.

The new build on the left is going to be the offices for the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.  Local things much in the news right now, what with Facebook and fires. 

Madness, all of it.

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