
Murdo, wrecker of homes. Well he has arrived. I expected him to be timid and missing his siblings but no. He had a grand explore all around the house and a bit of an experimental chew at most of it. He has taken to his toys big time. We went to Ikea to get the same Panda that his parents maul. He has got the hang of mauling. He found his bed most agreeable, many a snooze, and he wolfed his dinner. My arms and hands are covered in scratches, he is a feisty wee wrestler with razor sharp teeth and claws.

We are setting ground rules, establishing who is the alpha male in the household. He is not allowed on the sofa. You can see him in the image establishing who is the alpha male in the household.

We have covered everywhere with newspaper, then the little bugger went out and crapped in the garden. Hoorah!

Training starts tomorrow. I should be fully trained in a couple of weeks.

(Note to Lady M – his under lugs are white like his mum.)

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